Do you currently want more out of your Mary Kay business? Well,
you are in the RIGHT place . . . Here you will find all of your training
documents! If there is something that you are not seeing or questions about any
of the documents, please email, text, call, or vox me! Always remember, you are NOT ALONE in this business. I am here to help you and want nothing more than you to be successful.
- 3 + 3 + 3
- 30 Faces For 12 Months
- Full Circle Tracking
- Focus Folder Tracking
- KISS Monthly Tracking Sheet {Keep It Simple Sweetie}
- Pink Power Bubble Sheet
- Weekly Plan Sheet
- 30 Contacts In 24-Hours
- 62 Ways To Get New Bookings
- Contact List
- Enter To Win - Facial FIsh Bowl
- Ideas For Getting Referrals
- Perfect & Power Start 30 Faces: Tracking & Scripts
- Pink Power Bubble Sheet
- Survey Cards
Coaching Hostess:
- 2 Big Ways Postcard
- 2 Big Ways Hostess Flyer
- 40 Guests In 4 Minutes
- $100 Free - Come Party With Me
- $100 Hostess Flyer
- Hostess Invites
- Hostess Packet
- MK Thank You
- Outside Sales Order Sheet
- Enter To Win $25: Pink Invite
- You Plus 2
Team Building:
- 4 Point Recruiting Plan
- 6 Avenues of Income
- 10 Reason Notebook
- Candy Break Marketing
- Maximize Your Makeup Dollars {set at each mirror at your party}
- Starter Kit Flyer
- How To Earn a Car Working 25 Hours Per Week
TimeWise Brand Specialist:
{How to rock out $2,000 in profits per month in just a few hours!}
Book and hold 5 VoluFirm Opinion Appointments per week and you could profit $500 from selling 5 sets. My clients have always bought more than just VoluFirm sets at each of these appointments.
Hold 5 appointments per week and you'll more than likely sign at least 1 of the 5 to your personal team. Could you get excited about having 4 new team members each and every month? 3 months to a FREE CAR!
Book and hold 5 VoluFirm Opinion Appointments per week and you could profit $500 from selling 5 sets. My clients have always bought more than just VoluFirm sets at each of these appointments.
Hold 5 appointments per week and you'll more than likely sign at least 1 of the 5 to your personal team. Could you get excited about having 4 new team members each and every month? 3 months to a FREE CAR!
4. Full-Size TimeWise Repair Set
5. In a ziplock bag, a wet disposable washcloth the comes in your kit.
6. Sales Tickets & Latest Look Book
7. Inventory in your car, because she may want to buy more than just what you've shown her!
Video Explanation!
- Before The Party
- During The Party
- Beauty Book Presentation
- Beauty of Friendship/Tic Tac Toe (9 squares)
- Beauty of Friendship/Tic Tac Toe (15 squares)
- Beauty of Friendship Postcard
- Beauty Menu
- Closing Sheet - Skincare
- Closing Sheet - Pink Pistols Set
- Closing The Party - PURSE GAME
- Color Checklist
- Eye Application Cards
- Foundation Conversion Chart
- Lipstick Personality Quiz
- Order of Application - Miracle Set
- Order of Application - Repair Set
- Overcoming Selling Objections
- Skincare Checklist
- After The Party
Sales Ideas:
{Watch this video to learn about having a Mary Kay Holiday Open House!}