Pink Pistols Tools

I am so blessed to have each of you in this AMAZING unit! You ALL make this opportunity so much more than I could have ever imagined. I am truly blessed with the best! These are all of the important documents you need to make your Mary Kay business a success. You can download, save, and print them as needed. I want you ALL to be successful and I am here to make your business SOAR! Reach for the stars... I believe in you... I know there are great things ahead for your business! 

Recruiting Packet Contents 

Business Management

Business in a Binder! 

Special thanks to MK Director, Kimberly, for sharing this fabulous idea 
+ all of the essentials you will need to build your own binder! 
All supplies can be purchased at Target, Wal-Mart, or any office supply store for under $20.
* Mini Binder
* 5 Tab Dividers
* Page Protectors
* Copy Paper


Front Pocket:

In Front Tabs:
Consultant Daily Checklist: Half-Sheet/Full-Sheet

Tab 1: Booking

Tab 2: Coaching
{as I book hostesses, I file them in this section in order of party date. Extra blank coaching sheets are behind those} 

Tab 3: Selling - Customer Service
Your PCP List {print from "reports" section of MyCustomers on InTouch}
2 Page Protectors or Pocket Sleeves: To Call + To File Back In Profile Card Box
Extra Profile Sheets {for when back of profile card gets full} 

Profile Card Box: All client information is houses in the profile card box. You only keep the CURRENT WEEK of cards that need to be called in the binder. Once that is complete, they get filed back in the box, and you pull our the next week's cards for the binder. 

Tab 4: Recruiting
Choices.Pink {optional}

Tab 5: Notes
Note Paper

  • Inventory/Bookkeeping Management: I use QT Office Business Manager, which tracks all of my business expenses, sales, and inventory. This is an AMAZING way for you to keep track of everything for tax purposes too. At the end of the year, as you have entered information throughout the year, you go in and print an "end of the year tax report" and you're DONE! It has been amazing and less stressful in keeping everything organized. You get a FREE trial the first month, and then it is only $9.95/month. However, if you have your inventory where you want it.. you may use your customer receipts to place your wholesale orders with the company. The product goes off your shel and you replace it. It is that simple!